Close Reading involves reading short sections of a complex text multiple times, each time with a different purpose or lens, in order to critically analyze the text’s structure, craft and meaning. With each reread, students build on their knowledge and uncover new information to deepen their understanding of the text.
Goal: Promote deeper understanding of a text by using a layered reading protocol
Thinking about using Actively Learn for Close Reading? Here are some tips:
- Duplicate an assignment and embed notes and questions to support each round of reading.
- Use Close Reading Strategies during multiple reads to help students interact in a meaningful and purposeful way as they grapple with a text. The following steps can be used for each reading:
- First Read -- Read text aloud to students and ask students to define words they don’t understand as they follow along silently. Embed surface level questions (DOK Level 1) or ask them aloud to ensure students understand the text at a basic level. Use notes to ask students what stands out as they read the text.
- Second Read -- Next, ask students to read the text silently to themselves. Ask text-dependent questions (DOK Level 2) focusing on imagery, patterns, structure, or inference. Students can also paraphrase a small portion of the text and share their work with a partner.
- Third Read -- Students are now ready to tackle deeper analysis. Embed questions and notes (DOK Levels 3-4) that will push students to identify the author’s purpose or draw conclusions.
Download the complete Instructional Guide: Close Reading