Book Clubs are small-group discussions around a shared text. As a group of students reads a novel or longer text, they meet regularly in Book Clubs to share observations, questions, and new learnings related to their reading.
Goal: Promote student inquiry while reading and deepen understanding of a text through student-led discussion
Thinking about using Actively Learn for Book Clubs? Here are some tips:
- Assign only the portion of the text that students will be reading for their Book Club meeting, or break up longer texts by assigning a few chapters or sections at a time. To do this, use our Assign by chapter or section feature.
- Use teacher directions to assign student roles and to set objectives for each group’s reading.
- Include a reflection question at the end of each assigned section that students can complete after their Book Club meeting (e.g., Based on the text and your discussion, how has your thinking about ___ changed? What was an important idea or explanation shared by someone else during the discussion?).
- In imported content, rename note categories based on the roles students will take while reading (e.g., summarizer, vocabulary enricher, connection maker, etc.). Direct students to use these categories as they read the text to prepare ideas for discussion.
Download the complete guide Book/Literature Circles