The catalog allows you to discover and add content that you love. You can explore thousands of cross-curriculum texts at various depth of knowledge levels, many of which are aligned with Common Core standards. You can search in our Catalog in three distinct ways: Featured Content Page, filters, or instant search.
Switch between subjects
Teachers on the Prime plan, with access to multiple subjects, can switch subjects by going to the main menu and selecting the subject they want to access.
Note: Teachers on the free plan will only have access to content in the subject they signed up with.
Browsing the Featured Content Page
Once you enter our Catalog, you will see our Featured Content Page. On this page, you will see top curated content grouped by genres and themes. Click on any of these tiles to add them to your Workspace.
All of our content is organized by multiple categories that appear on the top of the Catalog or through the main menu, so finding what you need is simple.
- Select the subject you want to filter by going to the main menu
- Click on the Genres tab to search by the type of content
- Click on the Themes tab to search by main topics
- Results will appear 30 texts at a time
Texts will be grouped based on the subject selected. For example, the screenshot below has ELA and "Heroes & Helpers" selected. These texts are grouped by books, poetry, and short story.
Lexile level
Teachers can filter text by Lexile levels by going to the Filter & Actions button. If you click on "show all Lexiles," it will show more Lexile levels that you can filter by.
Once you select a Lexile level, you can further filter texts with our other filter types such as grade level, assignment type, and by state standards.
Grade Level
The grade level filter in our catalog filters texts by the most common grade level they are assigned to. You can access this filter by going to the Filter & Actions button. If you click on "show all grades," it will show more grade levels that you can filter by.
Assignment Type
The assignment type filter in our catalog filters assignments by the assignment type that they are categorized as, like article, biographies, video, etc. You can access this filter by going to the Filter & Actions button. If you click on "show all assignment types," it will show more assignment types that you can filter by.
Search the Catalog
If you have a particular title or author, you can use our search button to instantly see if our Catalog has what you're looking for!
Popular articles
Our catalog features New and Popular articles, with new additions made weekly by our content team. These articles are easily accessed by the catalogs landing page.
Adding a text to folders and assigning text to classes
Our Catalog has thousands of texts and pre-created assignments that you can use easily with your classes. We have canonical ELA texts, current events, high-interest articles, and free textbook materials across Social Studies and the Sciences. To add these texts or pre-created assignments, follow these simple steps:
STEP 1: Select "Content"
- You will see our Featured Content page with curated categories (Current Events, High-Interest Articles, Classical Short Stories, etc)
STEP 2: Filter the rest of our content by categories or search for specific text
STEP 3: Select the tile
You can preview the text or assign the text along with the featured assignment.
- Assign the text (this will add the text to your "everything" folder in your workspace too)
- Quickly save text by clicking the bookmark button
- Click and drag text to folders