Teachers can direct students and parents to helpstudent.activelylearn.com to get more support specifically directed towards getting students up and running on Actively Learn.
There are multiple ways for students to sign up for Actively Learn. Students should sign up using Google or Office365 with their school email before creating an account with an email/password.
STEP 1: Go to our student sign-up page
Option 1
Sign up with your Google account
Select 'allow' permissions
If you're not automatically added to a class, the teacher may given you a class code. Enter the class code and click "complete signup"
Note: If your teacher gives you a class code after you've signed up, you can still join their class with a class code.
If you were not given a class code:
- Select "No"
- Enter your date of birth
- Confirm you are signing up at the direction of a teacher or parent
Option 2
Sign up with Office 365
Fill your login information and click sign in
If your teacher has given you a class code, enter the class code and click "complete signup"
Note: If your teacher gives you a class code after you've signed up, you can still join their class with a class code.
If you were not given a class code:
- Select "No"
- Enter your date of birth
- Confirm you are signing up at the direction of a teacher or parent
Option 3
Create an account in Actively Learn with a email and password.
Note: If students have a school email, they should signup with that email. If they do not have an email, they can create an account with a username.
If your teacher has given you a class code, enter the class code and click "complete signup"
Note: If your teacher gives you a class code after you've signed up, you can still join their class with a class code.
If you were not given a class code:
- Select "No"
- Enter your date of birth
- Confirm you are signing up at the direction of a teacher or parent
Option 4 - Clever
Signup with Clever. Click the clever icon
Search for you school
School/districts might have multiple ways to login. Most schools will use "Active Directory" to get you signed up.