Our mission is to make reading meaningful for every student. To help with this, our Prime plan provides students with access to a student library where they can select from an expansive curated set of articles, poems, plays, short stories, and simulations picked by our content team from our main catalog.
Here is a helpful blog on increasing student passion for reading: From carrots to caring: Motivating Students to Read
Accessing Student Library
On the navigation menu, students can select "Library"
Types of articles in Student Library
The Library has over 700 curated articles, poems, plays, short stories, simulations that students can choose from. We've sorted through our catalog to find the most relevant and thoughtful content across multiple genres from sources that students love. Students can filter content by grade levels, topics, and ratings. Once a student finds and selects a piece of content, they will be redirected to that piece of content in a new tab in their browser.
Reviewing and Recommending Articles
When a student finishes a piece of content from the Student Library, they are encouraged to review it and share it with their peers.
Adding Content
With the Actively Learn Prime Plan, you can add an assignment to your school's student library for your students to discover. Content added to the student library is only visible by students rostered at that school or district.
To add assignments to the student library, you need to first add them to your school or district library.
Then, from there you can add it to the student library. These pieces of content will appear on the main student library page under the section "Recommended from your School/District."
Limit access to students by grade level
Teachers have the ability to limit student access to content in the student library by grade level.
Step 1: From the student library, click the gear icon
Step 2: Check the box to limit student access in the student library and click "save"