Are you missing a class or an assignment? Does your account or assignments look wrong? Please walk through the questions below to troubleshoot:
Do you have multiple logins?
Do you have another account or has your school email changed? It's common for users to have created two accounts by mistake and login to the duplicate account to find nothing there. This is also the same for email changes. Sometimes schools will change the domain name ( to and users will login with their new email.
Archived class by mistake
You may have archived your class by mistake. If this is the case, all you need to do is unarchive the class! More information on archiving/unarchiving classes.
Is your class there but not your assignment?
If you see your class but your assignment is missing, it's possible you archived your assignment! Simply unarchive the assignment and all your data should be there. More information on archiving/unarchiving assignments.
What to try if multiple logins is not the case?
Make sure you are not logged in to multiple browsers. Close all browser and log back in.
Still not seeing your work?
Contact our support team at We may be able to bring back your work or find the cause of this issue.