We recognize that you might want to tailor how students experience individual assignments in Actively Learn. You can change reading settings for a specific assignment within a class.
STEP 1: Select the class then Assignments
STEP 2: Hover over the assignment and open the kabob menu (three-dot icon).
STEP 3: Select "Assignment settings" from the menu.
STEP 4: Select the settings that you want, then click "Ok"
Teachers can also access the Assignment Settings through the Assignment Actions Menu in their class
STEP 1: Click on Settings in the Assignment Actions Menu
STEP 2: Select the assignment you would like to edit the settings for, then click "Next"
STEP 3: Choose the settings you would like for the assignment, then click "Ok"
Examples of how these settings affect your students' experience
See classmates' shared notes
See classmates' responses after answering questions:
- Select whether to show all answers, or only model answers (Proficient and Advanced).
Students classmates' names with their responses:
See correct multiple choice answer after responding:
Responses are locked until you allow revisions