Full School/District Prime Plan
Teachers can easily sync assignments and grades to Schoology classes from Actively Learn. Make sure your classes have first been integrated with your Schoology account to Actively Learn. Once classes are synced, you can begin assigning texts to your classes and syncing students' grades.
Syncing Assignments
If you have not imported your classes to Actively Learn from Schoology, you will be prompted to do so before syncing assignments. Click here for a walkthrough.
STEP 1: In Actively Learn, assign content to your Schoology imported classes.
STEP 2: From Schoology, click on the "Add Materials" dropdown.
STEP 3: Select Actively Learn.
STEP 4: Select the assignment you want to import to Schoology.
STEP 5: Your assignments are synced and they should automatically appear in your Schoology course.
You can do this by going to the edit tab for an assignment in Schoology, and pick which section you want your assignments to be assigned to.