When setting up courses in Actively Learn using Open Learning, all class and roster management will be done within Open Learning. After making any changes to a class in Open Learning, all updates will automatically be synced to Actively Learn the next time the class is opened.
Manage Roster and Add Co-Teachers
When using Open Learning, changes to class rosters, including adding co-teachers, can be done using the 3-dot kebab menu on the class tile in the teacher dashboard.
STEP 1: Select the 3 dot menu, which will bring up a drop-down menu
STEP 2: Select 'Manage Class Roster'
STEP 3: To make changes to the roster, select 'Edit Student Roster' and use the drop-down to add or remove students. To add or remove co-teachers, select 'Teachers' at the top of the screen, then 'Edit Teacher Roster'
STEP 4: Select 'Save Roster' at the bottom of the screen
Change Class Settings
In Open Learning, teachers can easily edit class details, including class name, start and end date, subject, and grade level, using the 3-dot kebab menu.
STEP 1: Select the 3 dot menu, which will bring up a drop-down menu
STEP 2: Select 'Manage Class Roster'
STEP 3: Select 'Settings' at the top of the page, and make any edits
STEP 4: Select 'Save' at the bottom of the screen
Archive/Unarchive Classes
Archiving classes can help teachers save classes and assignments from previous terms to use or refer to in the future. Archiving a class will remove the class from your current menu and save the student data as well.
STEP 1: Select the 3-dot menu, which will bring up a drop-down menu
STEP 2: Select 'Archive Class,' and then 'Confirm' this action
STEP 3: To view any archived classes, select 'Archived' at the top of the screen
STEP 4: To unarchive the class, use the same 3-dot menu and select 'Unarchive Class' from the drop-down.