It is important to test your students knowledge and make sure they are understanding key concepts and getting the most out of their assignments. To help with this, there are 6 different question types in Actively Learn: Short Answer, Multiple Choice, Polls, Drawing, Classifying, and Essay. For each individual question, teachers are able to adjust the point values in the top of the question box.
Short Answer
Short answer questions are great for formative assessment and provide great insight into what students are understanding.
Multiple Choice
Multiple choice questions are great when you want to take advantage of auto-grading in Actively Learn and simulate testing scenarios. Multiple choice questions can have one or more correct choices.
Polls are a great way to engage students while they read and get a quick snapshot into students thinking and comprehension, without being graded. They work just like multiple choice questions, but they do not have a "correct" answer!
Teachers can also add drawing questions. Students can upload images and/or draw their own and add text with their drawing question replies.
Classifying or Matching questions are a great way for students to connect causes and effects about the topics they are learning about. Students can drag and drop the answer choices for each category in the question, and teachers can have 2-4 different categories per question.
Some Performance Tasks will contain long form essays which can be identified by their higher default point values. They will closely resemble standard short answer questions, but they will enable teachers to evaluate their students' comprehension of broader concepts and issues.
Important: The only assignment type that includes this kind of question and allows for the addition of an essay question is a Performance Task.