You can find your profile at the bottom of the main menu. From your profile, you can view, or update import account information. You can change how you sign in, username, name, title, avatar, password, grade level, subject/content area, and school from your profile page.
Switch to Google Account
If you signed up with another email or have a new Google Account, you can switch your old account to the new Google Account.
STEP 1: Select the pencil icon next to your current username
STEP 2: Select "Switch to Google Account". You will be asked to enter your account information.
Change your username
STEP 1: Select the pencil icon next to your current username.
STEP 2: Enter a new email address and select "Continue".
Change your name and title
To change your name follow these steps.
STEP 1: Enter the first name and last name that you would like to change your name to. Then select "Save."
You can also change your title as well.
STEP 1: Click the pencil icon next to your title.
STEP 2: From the drop down menu click the new title you want to use, and then click "Submit."
Change your avatar
STEP 1: Select the pencil icon.
STEP 2: Select an image to upload OR enter an image URL. Then, click on "Change."
Change your password
To change your password enter your current password, the password you would like to change to, and then confirm the new password.
Change your School
To change your school, click pencil icon next to your school name.
Search for your school and once you find it, click "submit" to update your school profile information.
Change your grade or subject matter
Follow these steps to change your grade and subject matter you teach.
STEP 1: Click the pencil icon next to your grade.
STEP 2: From the drop down menus click the new grade, and the new subject matter you teach. Then click "Submit" to save your changes.
Change Primary Content Area
If you need to switch to a different catalog view, then you can update your primary content area in your catalog. Please note that free teachers can only change their primary content area in their account once.
STEP 1: Click on the pencil icon next to your content area
STEP 2: Select the new primary content area, and then click on "Submit"
Select Your Preferences
Teachers have the option to allow Actively Learn to use a session capture tool that collects and analyzes user interactions on the site to help us continue to improve our website. This can be disabled or enabled at any point by selecting or deselecting the box under 'Preferences' on the profile page.