When schools purchase Actively Learn Premium, they can either purchase for the whole school/district, or for specific grades and/or content areas. Please be sure that you have signed up in the correct school, subject, and grade level, in order to gain your Prime (paid) access.
Access is given as you sign up or sign in after your school has been activated. On Actively Learn, you can sign up on your own - you do not need to wait for someone to give you login credentials.
Note: Please be aware that your school's choice for rostering, single sign on or Student Information System (SIS), has no impact on whether your account is on Prime.
Common things to check:
- Did you pick a school with the same name but maybe in another state? If so, change the school that is listed in your profile.
- Do you teach more than one content area or grade level, but your school only purchased for a specific content area? If so, be sure your profile has the paid content area selected. You can click the "change" button next to your grade level and subject to fix this yourself, if necessary.