If you have multiple teachers teaching the same subject, you can easily share all your assignments and curate them together by co-authoring folders.
FYI: The original creator of a folder has the ability to remove invited co-authors. Co-authors may also remove themselves. Once removed, they will no longer have access to the folder or assignments within. Any changes made to the folder or assignments within the co-authored folder will be seen by all users that are co-authoring folder. If co-authors want to edit their own copy, they can duplicate the assignment and move it out of the co-authored folder.
Add a co-author
STEP 1: Go to your workspace and select the folder you want to co-author.
STEP 2: Click on the co-author icon
STEP 3: Select teacher(s) to co-author folder and click "add"
STEP 4: A new icon will appear next to the folder signifying it is a co-authored folder