Full School/District Prime Plan
To update the Actively Learn roster when teachers integrate with Canvas, they will need to make changes in Canvas and sync the changes to Actively Learn. Roster updates cannot be done directly in Actively Learn.
Note: If you like to move students from one class to another with their class data, please reach out to our support team.
Add students to a class
STEP 1: In Canvas, select "courses" and the class you want to update
STEP 2: Select "People"
STEP 3: Click "+ People"
STEP 4: Select how you want to invite students (email, login ID, SIS ID)
STEP 5: Type in their credentials
STEP 6: Role should be student (currently we only support student) and choose a section (if you have multiple sections)
Important: Selecting other roles (e.g TA, teacher) will duplicate classes in Actively Learn in student view
STEP 7: Click "next"
STEP 8: Verify the information and click "add users"
The student will show "pending" until they login to Canvas and accept the invite.
Students will need to accept the invite.
Once student has accepted invite, select the course in Canvas and click "Actively Learn" to open and sync the roster update to your Actively Learn roster.