In addition to a diverse range of free content you can add from the Actively Learn Catalog, you can also rent popular titles that are still copyright protected. We have partnered with publishers such as HarperCollins and Simon and Schuster to provide you with titles that are most relevant in today's classrooms.
Search our catalog
Paid text in our catalog are marked with "$" icon on the cover tile.
Steps for walking through purchasing rental text.
Manage rental license
Rental licenses are manually allocated to student when they access a paid text (assuming teacher have rental license available to allocate)
Review the number of licenses, identify which students have been assigned licenses, check expiration dates, track the number of available licenses, and purchase additional licenses as needed. Click on the link below to see the steps for managing the rental licenses.
There are a multiple ways teachers and schools can pay for rental licenses.
- Purchase rental license though our catalog with a credit card
- Teachers can submit an invoice request to their admin. This sends a request to the admin's email, specifying the text and the number of licenses a teacher needs. The admin can approve the request and select to pay via a credit card or PO.
- Schools and/or districts may choose to add school content credits as part of their Prime Plan. This is a bucket of credits that can be used by any teacher at the school to purchase rental licenses.
- Teacher book credits - Like school content credits, schools and/or districts can choose to add book credits as part of their Prime Plan, although a Prime Plan is not required to purchase book credits. These credits are directly allocated to the teachers' accounts for use.
Note: Some publishers have disabled certain features within their texts. There will be a note in the payment popup if there are features disabled.