Teachers can use Present Mode for a variety of instructional strategies, including leading a whole class read, modeling effective annotation, or discussing the answer to a question as a class. Present Mode can be used in person or for remote learning.
Features in Present Mode
While in Present Mode certain features are hidden from the view, and teachers will still have access to some tools while presenting. Here is a list of the features in Present Mode.
Student's names are automatically anonymized
Teacher's Guide is automatically hidden
Extra Help Summary is automatically hidden (if present)
Questions are not gated
Teachers can use Text-To-Speech, Define, "move students here", and Translate in the assignment still
All Extra Help markers are hidden in the questions and notes
All of the questions are shown like in Student Preview Mode with the question number, Depth of Knowledge information, aligned standards, and point value for the question
Peer Responses are hidden for questions
The Grading Panel and Grades are hidden
Teachers can highlight and take notes in Present Mode and these notes will be available after the teacher exits Present Mode
How to go to Present Mode
STEP 1: Select the assignment from your class
STEP 2: Click on the Present Mode icon at the top of the screen in the assignment grading view
STEP 3: You will get a pop-up message about the Present Mode, click on Present to continue
STEP 4: You will see a banner at the top of the screen showing that you are presenting in Present Mode. Click on the "Exit" button when you are finished presenting.