For each assignment you give your students in Actively Learn, information on their progress is generated when you grade assignments, and students interact with the text.
Reviewing student work on a daily basis can provide insights and help you direct your focus to areas students need the most support. The various data reports across Actively Learn at the Assignment, Class, and Student levels provide real-time metrics on how their students are engaging with texts.
Check out this blog on Data-Driven Instruction
STEP 1: Select “Student Data” and select a student
STEP 2: Navigate which report to view
Scroll down to view the reading activity for that student.
The assignment tab will show you this student's grade and progress for each assignment. Note that the first column shows the grade earned so far and the second column shows how far along the student is in the assignment. Click on any title to be taken to the text.
The writing tab will show the notes and discussion created by a student. Teachers can view the text that the student highlighted, their note, the theme of the note, and the title of the text.
This report gets populated when students add texts to their My Research section. You can see the texts students are using for their research, the date it was added, the reading time, and where they obtained it. To view the full text and the student's notes, click on the title and you'll be re-directed to the text.
Independent Reading
This report gets populated when a student reads texts from the student library and writes a review.